January 2, 2023

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

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Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

Texas Standard Possession Calendar for Child Custody and Divorce Cases. If you have any questions please call Varghese, Somerset & Smith, PLLC at (817) 203-2220. In a divorce and child custody agreement, parents must create a parenting schedule using an annual calendar.

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In Texas, the court offers standard custody options and provides an annual calendar of standard custody orders that parents can modify to meet their needs.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

This calendar includes “sharing times, weekday and weekend visits, holidays, your child’s birthday, spring and summer vacation, and many other important events in your child’s life” and can change based on your family’s unique situation.

According to the Texas Attorney General, the non-custodial parent is able to choose from the standard custody order options unless the court determines that the election is not in the best interest of the child. If the non-custodial parent does not make a choice (called an “election”), the order reverts to “default.”

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

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The 2022 Standard Custody Order Calendar details alternate weekends with the noncustodial parent overnight and pickup and drop-off days. Under the noncustodial parent’s default calendar, the child spends July and Christmas week (December 16 to 27) plus spring break (March 14 to 19) with the noncustodial parent.

If the child visitation schedule above does not meet your and your co-parent’s needs, you may choose another standard custody arrangement that is acceptable in Texas. You can also create a custom one.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

The most important part of a custody order diary is that you and your ex agree on how you will share parenting time and that the court approves the order.

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Your lawyer can help you create a possession order diary in or out of court and have it approved by the family law court. Once the court approves your diary, the diary of possession order becomes enforceable. This means that if one parent does not comply with a court order, the other parent can take them to court to enforce it.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

Failure to comply with a court order—be it a standard possession order, an extended possession order, etc.—can subject you to “contempt of court.” If convicted, this can result in fines and imprisonment.

Please note that the standard Texas State Occupancy Order does not apply to every household. To decide what is best for you and your family, you should not only consult the 2022 Standard Possession Order Calendar but also speak with a local attorney.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

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G.J. Chavez & Associates, P.C. Dedicated to serving our customers, we can create a personalized solution for you and your loved ones. We have more than 20 years of legal experience and have handled thousands of cases for clients like you.

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Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

Call us at (972) 460-9300 or contact us online to discuss your situation and receive high-quality, affordable representation from community champions who always have your best interests at heart. A possession and access plan determines how the parenting time of a separated family will be divided. This is a factor in parenting planning.

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A judge will approve any custody arrangement that the parents agree is in the best interest of the child.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

If the parents cannot agree, the judge usually issues a standard custody order, which gives the non-custodial parent the first, third, fifth weekend of the month, and weekly Thursday night visitation. This varies slightly depending on how far apart the parents live (details below).

If you don’t like the standard custody order, try to agree to a different schedule with the other parent or show the judge why an alternative would work best for your child.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

Parenting Time Schedule

A broad term that can refer to any interaction a parent has with a child, including being present at the child’s activities.

Generally, one parent (the custodial parent) has the majority of possession time, although this may be only a small majority. Foster parents can be joint or sole managing conservators

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

The other parent is the non-custodial parent. It may be a joint maintenance conservator or a possession conservator.

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You can create a customized possession and access plan to propose to the other parent, present to your judge, or submit to the court when you settle.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

A frequently used option is the 4-3 plan, where the child spends four days a week with one parent and three days with the other.

Many families also use the 2-2-5-5 plan. The child spends two days with each parent, then five days with each parent. Then the cycle repeats itself.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

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Keep in mind that you’ll need provisions for times when a regular schedule doesn’t make sense. You may need provisions for:

You can use the Custody Exchange online application to create a master calendar that integrates your plans for special occasions like the ones above with your regular schedule so you can understand everything at a glance.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

Although judges will approve any custody arrangement that the parents agree to in the child’s best interest, they may look more closely at agreements made without a neutral professional (like a mediator).

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When you’re ready to schedule, Custody X guides you through the change application process step-by-step. As you add days and times to the color-coded calendar, the software translates your selections into the legal language required by the court.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

You can attach your color-coded calendar to help you and the briefers understand the schedule. But the written version will be enforced by the court if your motion is a judgment.

When parents can’t agree on a schedule and their child is at least 3 years old, a judge usually issues a Texas Standard Order of Possession (SPO) or an Extended Standard Order of Possession – unless one parent convinces the judge that the case is in the child’s best interest.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

Texas Child Possession & Access Schedules (visitation)

. Note that Texas considers the weekend to begin on Friday. This means that – for example – Friday October 31 to Monday November 2 is considered the fifth weekend in October, not the first weekend in November.

Together, these changes effectively give the noncustodial parent four days with the child during weekend visits instead of two days. In one year, the program gives the noncustodial parent about 40 percent of the possession time.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

If the parents live more than 50 but not more than 100 miles apart, a standard custody order states the following.

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If the child has school off on the Friday before the weekend visit, the visit starts at 6pm on the Thursday.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

If the child has Monday off from school after weekend visitation, visitation will be extended to Monday at 6 p.m.

Summer residence is from July 1 to July 31, unless the noncustodial parent notifies the other parent before April 1.

Texas Extended Standard Possession Order Calendar 2023

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