January 2, 2023

Nissan 2023 Hebrew Calendar

Nissan 2023 Hebrew Calendar – Jewish Astrology Information on 5783 from “” Lorelai Kude Monday October 24 / Tishrei 29 5783 12:00 PM PT / 3:00 PM ET / 10:00 PM Israel Time This 90 minute presentation will be recorded. Everyone who registers gets a link to the recording. Join “”, Lorelai Coude for a deep dive into the astrology of the Jewish year 5783 and the solar year 2023. We will look at our place in the 19-year calendar cycle, how we progress as the Pei (80s) decade unfolds, and the mystery with Gimel and Jupiter/Zedek in relation to this year. We will also provide an overview of upcoming planetary movements for the rest of 2022 and all of 2023, eclipse cycles, significant transits, the shift of the lunar node cycle from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra and other celestial phenomena in relation to the State of Israel, the USA and our current cultural crisis

NEW: TRAVEL THROUGH THE JEWISH RIVER! Recordings of all 12 zodiac signs/Jewish months in my YouTube playlist

Nissan 2023 Hebrew Calendar

Nissan 2023 Hebrew Calendar

“As Above, So Below: Astrology in the History of Jewish Culture” is a presentation for the Jewish Museum of Maryland, March 18, 2021, as part of their “Jews in Space” exhibit.

Winter Bricks 4 Kids

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Nissan 2023 Hebrew Calendar

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The cycle of sacred time we call the Jewish year is laid out in the almost supernaturally miraculous Jewish calendar. The importance of this tremendous gift—making time itself sacred—was the first of many gifts given to the newly freed slaves who would become a nation.

Nissan 2023 Hebrew Calendar

Free Public Skate Sponsored By Midway Nissan

Rosh Chodesh, “Head of the Moon,” was the first mitzva given at the birth of Israel. In fact, Rashi, in his commentary on Genesis 1, begins by asking why the Torah does not begin with the commandment of Rosh Chodesh, as stated in Parshat Bo, rather than the historical background of Genesis. He answers by telling us that in times to come, when the nations of the world will accuse Israel of taking land that does not belong to them, the whole book of Genesis, and indeed up to the chapter of Hor – Exodus 12:1 – exists to prove that the world, that God is the sovereign creator of heaven and earth, and that everything belongs to him, and he will decide to give everything that belongs to whoever he chooses, and he chose the land of Israel (known at the time as Eretz Canaan) for it the Jewish people.

Why does the Torah place the command to celebrate Rosh Chodesh before the actual liberation from Egypt? Why give slaves time? Only free people own their time. The gift of time is a gift of sovereignty, independence and freedom. The secret of arranging the holy time and the use of the Jewish calendar was given to the slaves, so that when the children of Jacob became the nation of Israel, they would not forget that they too were once slaves, like all other nations, and are slaves to false gods and idols, and that the function of the holy time is to create order for harmony and holiness. Likewise, as we incorporate the inner symbolism of the planetary configurations of not only our own natal charts, but also the movements of the heavens into our spiritual practice, we must not forget that unless we bring divine order within, we are in chaos, and “the nations ” within us (our disparate parts, each competing with one another for attention and dominance) must be illuminated by the light we receive from these energetic realities in order to function at the highest level for which they were designed. generated.

Nissan 2023 Hebrew Calendar

It is important to understand that the Jewish people are called to be a “light unto the nations” and that this light consists in showing to the rest of mankind that there is a real, vital and living connection and guidance between God and mankind, and that the connection can be reflected in the order of human society set forth in the Torah.

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It is equally important to note that the vital, living idea of ​​being a “Light unto the nations” can never be divorced from ethics, and that the Jewish people, more than any other population on earth, have a special responsibility to prevent their light from to be destroyed by disconnection and distance from the whole basic structure of ethics and moral responsibility. That is, on a purely material and political level, the Jewish people must never act as if doctrine and dogma are more important than the souls and lives of other people, or that people can be sacrificed on the altar of doctrine. and dogma. This is a terrible misunderstanding (all too common) of the Torah.

Nissan 2023 Hebrew Calendar

Thus, Rashi in Genesis should not be taken as an imperative for political and military dominance over others, but rather as instructions for humility to understand that the inheritance of Eretz Yisrael entails the reward of stewardship, not ownership. God makes it clear who “owns” the land of Israel. In a metaphorical sense, God makes it very clear who “owns” the body, mind, and soul. You cannot say: it belongs to me by right. It can only be said: it is in my care, because I must develop it as a channel of communication with the divine and all creation.

At the ideal level it is a world of various independent, distinct and unique societies (known as “Nations”) transformed by the TEACHING and guidance of the Jewish example into nations living together in harmony, without violence or strife. , because they have a living, vital, dynamic, completely just, perfectly righteous and perfectly FUNCTIONAL example of how a meaningful, fulfilling life can and should be lived in community and society.

Nissan 2023 Hebrew Calendar

Year 2023 Calendar

These ideas are true both internally and externally. The astrology I practice and teach is about the INNER ORDER and the INNER MANIFESTATION of that order that comes from understanding and incorporating the symbols, archetypes and indeed the energetic realities that are the “Mazalot” (Zodiac).

If we take the starting point of Rashi from Genesis 1, the whole reason for Genesis 1 – Exodus 11 in our own souls is to prove to the “nations” in our own psyche that question and question the existence, sovereignty and benevolence of God, that our lives are not ours alone, but belong to God, and in fact the life force within us is made of the same divine substance that the sovereign, transcendent God is made of.

Nissan 2023 Hebrew Calendar

Just as human lives should never be less valuable than doctrines and dogmas, in our own psyche we often find what is our “human life”, our weaknesses, our foibles, our challenges, our undeveloped, underdeveloped or even distorted. parts – should never be valued less than the doctrine and dogma by which we govern our inner life. Structure is meant to create order, and order is an environment in which harmony can flourish. Just as this is true on an external level, it is also true on an internal level. Astrology invites you to enter an already functioning, pre-existing worldview of structure, order and harmony, specifically designed for the best development of your soul. Your soul was created to thrive in the sacred cycle of time when it began living in your body!

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If indeed “the abyss calls to the abyss” and “iron sharpens iron,” then only that which is already God in our own soul—the inescapable God—can yearn for and respond to the transcendent God. It is longing that drives the soul to seek God, and it is the answer to what happens when we discover that what we have been longing for ALSO LONGS FOR US, making us “Bnai Yisrael”, children of Israel. Because it was Jacob, our ancestor, who FIGHTED with God and won and was given a new name – ISRAEL. To be “Israel” is to wrestle with God – to wrestle with every false concept and every distraction, every detour and every dead end, to wrestle with your DESIRE to learn to connect, and how to truly be a channel for the Divine.

Nissan 2023 Hebrew Calendar

Using the Jewish calendar and the cycle of sacred time that is the Jewish year as a spiritual tool helps bring this cycle to the forefront of our daily lives and consciousness. It is a divinely structured prescription for spiritual practice aimed at aligning body, mind and spirit with the cycles of sacred time and the rhythms of creation itself. When the soul longs, that longing evokes a response. Proper use of holy time can help the channel

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