January 2, 2023

Ortodox Calendar 2023

Ortodox Calendar 2023 – Ziarul Lumina uses cookies to customize and improve your experience on our website. We would like to inform you that we have updated our policy to incorporate the latest changes proposed by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data regarding the processing of personal data in the current operation of Lumina newspapers. movement of this data. Before continuing to browse our website, please take the time to read and understand the contents of our cookie policy. By continuing to browse our website, you confirm that you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy. However, remember that you can change these cookie settings at any time by following the instructions in the Cookie Policy.

Under the auspices of the Patriarchate, the Christian-Orthodox calendar for 2023, regulated by the Archdiocese of Bucharest, and a shorter program are available to the faithful and the faithful who celebrate mass from the capital. The new calendar can also be purchased in churches, in the Archdiocese’s stores in Bucharest and on the website colportaj.ro of the Diocese’s Colportage service.

Ortodox Calendar 2023

Ortodox Calendar 2023

The Christian-Orthodox calendar of the Archdiocese of Bucharest for the year 2023 is decorated with the image of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, made in a mosaic from the carpet of the Church of the Salvation of the Nation.

Librăria Sf. Iosif

In the coming period, the church calendar for 2023 will be available in four formats: a large agenda, a wall scroll, a table with legs and a calendar with the notes of the Romanian patriarch.

Ortodox Calendar 2023

“Each of the six versions has multiple features. Therefore, a small calendar in the form of an agenda includes the foreword of the Holy Father, Patriarch Daniel, the opening prayer of the Romanian Patriarchate, the introduction, the components of the press center of the Romanian Patriarchal BASILICA, on the fourth page a brief introduction to the service of the Archdiocese of Bucharest; a large calendar in the form of an agenda includes contact information for the canonical and administrative bodies of the Romanian Orthodox Church and the branches of the Romanian Patriarchate and Archdiocese in Bucharest; the spiral wall calendar includes the 2023 calendar and 12 icons of the saints of the National Cathedral, while the table calendar with legs will retain the shape of previous years, which is practical. -Joachim Bejenariu, Diocesan Counselor of the Archdiocese of Bucharest for Single Parents and Director of Colport Services, said that in early November, the Christian Orthodox Church calendar for 2023 appeared! A wall sheet, a pocket book, a 12-sheet wall calendar, a desktop spring calendar and a calendar printed with the blessing of His Eminence the Archbishop of Rome and Bacau Joachim, arranged in four formats, can be purchased at the church window. and in the store. of church objects throughout the diocese.

The Christian Orthodox Calendar 2023, published by Philokalia of the Archdiocese of Rome and Bacau, is a marker for all those who observe church rites, fast throughout the year and according to which days they choose to lead their lives. or to remember the deceased, other important days and dates – national church holidays, non-marriage days, etc. Each of the four calendar designs has security features to ensure authenticity. All rights belong to Philokalia Publishers and may not be reproduced or commercialized except with the permission of the Archdiocese of Rome and Bacau.

Ortodox Calendar 2023

Calendar Creștin Ortodox 2023. Când Au Loc Cele Mai Importante Sărbători Din Noul An

The introduction to the pocket calendar, compiled by the venerable Archbishop Joachim, ends with a message from the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church declaring 2023 the Year of Respect for the Elderly. May it enable us to take a step closer to our hearts, give time to those who need help and hope, and find a place in the temple of Christ’s feet comforting the suffering, lonely, abandoned and old people, bringing a ray of light shared by the light of Christ.”

We hereby warn you that, like every end of the year, the so-called Christian Orthodox calendar rotates in the public space, including liturgical and ordinary errors, the release of recently canonized Romanian saints, religious holidays, etc. misleading and confusing. That’s why we encourage you to buy only the Calendar of Diocesan Centers, which is prepared every year by an expert commission made up of the theological hierarchy and teachers of our Church. They are the only ones in accordance with the order and teaching of the Romanian Orthodox Church, published with the blessing of the Holy Synod and distributed throughout all parishes, parishes and dioceses of the diocese.

Ortodox Calendar 2023

The Philokalia publishing house of the Archdiocese of Rome and Bacau publishes a program of synaxaries every year for the benefit of the parishioners, including a complete Christian-Orthodox calendar with images of saints mentioned daily during the liturgy. year. (fr. Ciprian-Ioan IGNAT) Home Promotions/ Special events The Archdiocese of Buzau and Vrancea has published the Orthodox calendar for the year 2023.

Calendar Martie 2023

With the blessing of His Holiness Archbishop Cyprian, the Orthodox Calendar 2023 was published by the publishing house of the Archdiocese of Buzau and Vrancea in five versions: wall page, pocket book (booklet) and wall format. metal coil, table – large format, small office – small format.

Ortodox Calendar 2023

All the calendar designs show the image of “Jesus Christ Pantocrates” and some designs contain the images of some holy hymnographers and hymnographers as the year 2023 was declared by the Romanian Patriarch.

As in previous years, the holidays and saints of each day are shown with special graphics and a lot of useful information: fasting days and fasting throughout the year; liturgical days (without sacred liturgy) and days with other liturgies; days without parastasis; important days and dates; national church holiday; working days off and holidays; non-wedding days (in 2023 and 2024).

Ortodox Calendar 2023

Calendar Creștin Ortodox 2022

The agenda calendar was in a practical format (12×8 cm), very accessible, with special emphasis on the usual Sunday notes needed by priests.

A considerable part of the money collected through the promotion of the calendar will be used to support pastoral-missionary, cultural, educational, social, humanitarian and administrative activities.

Ortodox Calendar 2023

The Romanian Orthodox Church according to Law no. 103/1992, has the exclusive right to print and sell Orthodox calendars, but natural or legal persons are not permitted to produce and sell them. Because,

Calendar Creștin Ortodox De Birou 2023

It is recommended that you buy the Orthodox calendar only in churches and monasteries, as well as in bookstores and church facilities of the Archdiocese of Buzău and Vrancea, as you will be sure that its text is approved every year by the Holy Synod of Romania. Orthodox Church

Ortodox Calendar 2023

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Ortodox Calendar 2023

Calendar 2023 Religios 13 File. Creștin Ortodox. Sporul Casei

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The official calendar is accompanied by iconographic depictions of the passion cycle of Saint Great Alat John the Younger from Suceava, the guardian of Bukovina, in the iconography of the monasteries of Sucevica and Voroneta.

Ortodox Calendar 2023

The Christian-Orthodox Calendar 2023 can be purchased in four formats, in the bookstores of the Archdiocese of Suceava and Radautil, in bookstores and church items (Depozitul de Colportaj, Pangarul “Arimateea – joy of the soul”, etc.). ) will also be in church windows.

Surpriză! Pe Ce Dată Pică Paștele Ortodox în 2023 și în 2024

According to the decision of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, the year 2023 is dedicated to pastors of elders, hymnographers and church singers.

Ortodox Calendar 2023

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Ortodox Calendar 2023

Calendar Creștin Ortodox Tip Foaie 2023

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Monitorul de Suceava assumes no legal responsibility for the content of the text below. You are responsible for your messages. The Christian Orthodox Calendar 2023, published by the Orthodox Diocese of Maramures and Satmar in Romania, with the blessing of His Holiness Father Justin, is produced in three formats: pages. – type (wall) calendar, calendar

Ortodox Calendar 2023

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